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These shrubby, old-fashioned perennials deserve greater popularity, for they do particular well under adverse conditions including poor soil, salt-laden coastal winds and prolonged drought. They are nevertheless pleasing plants with circular whorls of lavender flowers appearing at intervals along tall stems. They can be cut and made a useful additions to mixed arrangements. The leaves are generally wrinkled and dull grey-green in colour.



Height: 70cm Spread: 50cm

Growth Rate: Medium
Time to Maturity: 6 Months
Habit: Bushy, Upright

Size: Medium
Colour: Lavender

Blooming Time:


Size: Medium
Colour: Grey


Growing Conditions

Position: Full sun. semi-shade.

Soil: Prefers fairly free-draining soil rich in organic matter.

Care: Deadhead when necessary.


Uses & Characteristics:
*Attracts Bees


*Cottage Garden

*Drought Tolerant


*Good Texture


PHLOMIS lavender

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