It's a magical time when bearded irises unfurl their pencil-slim buds to reveal a kaleidoscope of colour in spring. With their sword-like leaves and showy flowers, bearded iris are an eye-catching addition to any garden. They're easy to plant, require minimum care. Dwarf varieties make attractive edging.
About This Plant
Bearded iris are available in a wide variety of flower colors, including pink, blue, red, yellow, and purple. They bloom in spring to early summer. The flowers are lovely in bouquets, and the foliage remains attractive even after flowers have faded.
Height: 30cm Spread: 30cm
Growth Rate: Slow
Time to Maturity: 12 months
Habit: Clump-Forming
Size: Medium
Colour: Purple
Shape: Iris-like
Blooming Time:
Size: Medium
Colour: Green
Shape: Sword-like
Growing Conditions
Position: Full sun. A full day of sun is even better to keep the rhizomes dry.
Soil: Prefers fairly free-draining soil rich in organic matter.
Care: As flowers fade, cut back the flower stalks to the base of the plant. To encourage a second bloom.
*Give them room to breathe, Bearded iris require good air circulation
Uses & Characteristics:
*Attracts Bees
*Cottage Garden
*Cut Flowers
*Drought Tolerant
*Ground cover
*Good Texture
*Rock Garden
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