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Gazania brick red has been bred to provide a long and spectacular flowering display. Their Medium,  daisy flowers are produced non-stop from spring to autumn and you dont have to do anything to make them keep on blooming like this - just plant in a sunny, well drained spot and enjoy.



Height: 20cm Spread: 40cm

Growth Rate: Fast
Time to Maturity: 3 Months
Habit: Clump-Forming


Size: Medium
Colour: Brick Red
Shape: Daisy


Blooming Time:


Size: Medium
Colour: Green

Growing Conditions

Position: Full sun. semi-shade.

Soil: Prefers fairly free-draining soil rich in organic matter.

Care: Although theyre drought resistant,expect more and bigger blooms when watered.


Uses & Characteristics:
*Attracts Bees

*Attracts Butterflies

*Banks & Slopes




*Cottage Garden

*Drought Tolerant



*Ground cover



*Rock Garden

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