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Achilleas are among the best perennials for planting in hot, dry and sunny locations, providing good colour throughout the summer and early Autumn months. Achilleas are compact, carefree and generously blooming perennial with Clusters of flowers, over a bushy mound of ferny green leaves. Excellent for cutting, fresh or dried.



Height: 50cm Spread: 50cm

Growth Rate: Fast
Time to Maturity: 4 Months
Habit: Clump-Forming


Size: Small Clusters
Colour: Red
Shape: Umbrella

Blooming Time:


Size: Medium
Colour: Green
Shape: Fern


*Evergreen in mild winter regions


Growing Conditions

Position: Full sun.

Soil: Dry and MoistPrefers fairly free-draining soil rich in organic matter.

Care:Trim back hard after the first flush of bloom to maintain a compact habit.

Inclined to spread, so site this carefully or plan to reduce the clumps each spring.


Uses & Characteristics:

*Dried Flower

*Heat Tolerant

*Cut Flower

*Drought Tolerant

*Rock Garden


*Cottage Garden

*Bee Friendly


*Rabbit Resistant





ACHILLEA feuerland

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